Tuesday, February 27, 2007

In Stitches

Heard a reporter (think it was on CNN) the other day talking about a violent event somewhere in the world. She described the group behind it as having a wonton disregard for human life. Yep, she pronounced it just like the name of your favorite Chinese dumpling. I howled.


Pax Romano said...

Oh no!

That is my new expression du jour.

A wonton disregard.

Love it!

Weary Hag said...

Oh now that is hilarious! Great catch.

Sounds like your afternoon tea was marvelous too ...

Where's Milville? North, South or somewhere in between?

CS said...

Wonton. Oh, my. That's funny and pathetic.

pissed off patricia said...

Wonder what kind of disregard a wonton has for human life?

Joe Tornatore said...

A SOUPer blooper.